Đây là ý nghĩa hấp dẫn của những giấc mơ kỳ lạ của bạn

Giới thiệu Here’s What Your Weird Dreams Mean

Đây là Bí quyết Giai mã những giấc mơ kỳ lạ của bạn

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Bạn đã bao giờ trải qua những giấc mơ kỳ lạ và tự hỏi chúng có ý nghĩa gì không? Đừng lo, chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn tìm hiểu về những giấc mơ đó!

Việc đánh giá sản phẩm trước khi mua hàng là cực kỳ quan trọng. Queen Mobile cung cấp cho bạn những thông tin chi tiết về các sản phẩm, giúp bạn có quyết định đúng đắn khi mua sắm.

Tại Queen Mobile, chúng tôi cam kết cung cấp cho bạn những đánh giá chân thật và chi tiết về sản phẩm. Chúng tôi kiểm tra tỉ mỉ mỗi đặc điểm, từ chất lượng, hiệu suất cho đến giá trị của sản phẩm. Điều này giúp bạn có cái nhìn rõ ràng và đáng tin cậy trước khi quyết định mua hàng.

Với hệ thống đánh giá của chúng tôi, bạn không cần phải lo lắng về sự tác động của sản phẩm đến cuộc sống hàng ngày. Chúng tôi đưa ra những lời khuyên hữu ích về việc sử dụng sản phẩm và cung cấp các thông tin về ý nghĩa của các thành phần chính trong sản phẩm.

Mua hàng tại Queen Mobile, bạn không chỉ nhận được thông tin hoàn hảo về sản phẩm mà còn được hỗ trợ trực tiếp từ nhân viên dịch vụ khách hàng của chúng tôi. Bất kỳ câu hỏi hay thắc mắc nào cũng được đáp ứng một cách nhanh chóng và chuyên nghiệp.

Với đội ngũ nhân viên tận tụy và chuyên nghiệp, chúng tôi sẵn lòng giúp đỡ bạn trong quá trình mua hàng. Chúng tôi luôn sẵn lòng lắng nghe và đồng hành cùng bạn để đảm bảo bạn có trải nghiệm mua sắm hoàn hảo và đáng nhớ.

Hãy truy cập ngay Queen Mobile để tìm hiểu thông tin chi tiết về các sản phẩm và đánh giá của chúng tôi. Với chúng tôi, bạn có thể yên tâm chọn lựa những sản phẩm tốt nhất và thỏa mãn đam mê mua sắm của mình!

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Bài viết “Here’s What Your Weird Dreams Mean” là một tóm tắt về nghĩa của những giấc mơ kỳ lạ mà người mua có thể trải qua. Bài viết cung cấp cho người đọc một cái nhìn sâu hơn về những giấc mơ kỳ quái và giúp họ hiểu rõ hơn về nguyên nhân và ý nghĩa của chúng. Nội dung bài viết tập trung vào việc giải thích một số giấc mơ phổ biến như mất răng, rơi từ cao xuống, hoặc mất điện thoại. Bài viết cuối cùng cho thấy rằng giấc mơ có thể phản ánh các lo ngại hoặc mong muốn trong cuộc sống và có thể giúp người mua hiểu và khám phá nhiều hơn về bản thân mình.

Given the pile of health reasons humans need sleep, it’s easy to understand why we close our eyes for several hours each night. But it’s much more difficult to explain why we dream and how to interpret those dreams, especially if they’re outlandish or terrifying

Dreams are common. In fact, you have one to six dreams a night, the strongest ones happening during REM sleep. Nobody remembers all the dreams they have, and if you’ve ever woken from a particularly unsettling or offbeat dream, you may wonder why you’re having it in the first place. You can start dissecting what your dreams mean with the help of three sleep experts we interviewed. 

Here’s what to know about your dreams, what they mean and why you have them. 

What are dreams? 

Simply put, “Dreams are thoughts, images, sensations and sometimes sounds that occur during sleep,” Alan Kuras, a licensed clinical social worker at Westmed Medical Group, tells CNET. 

There’s no definitive evidence about what dreams consist of, but it’s generally accepted that dreams represent a collection of thoughts, struggles, emotions, events, people, places and symbols that are relevant to the dreamer in some way. 

The most vivid dreams typically occur during REM sleep, though you can dream during other stages of sleep. 

Why do I dream? 

young woman sleeping in bed with a dog

Dreams may serve multiple purposes, including memory formation. 

Ghetea Florin/EyeEm/Getty Images

There are many theories of the function of dreams, Kuras says. “They appear to assist in memory formation, integration, problem-solving and consolidation of ideas both about ourselves and the world,” he says, adding that neuroscientists have discovered that dreams help with information processing and mood regulation, too.

While scientists know a great deal about what happens physiologically when people dream, there’s still much to be studied about what happens psychologically. For example, researchers know that people with post-traumatic stress disorder are likely to have nightmares. But people without PTSD have nightmares, too, so it can’t be said that nightmares always accompany psychological conditions. 

One concept that’s generally accepted is that dreaming is a highly emotional process, because the amygdala (an emotional center in your brain) is one of the areas of your brain that’s most active during dreams, according to neuroimaging studies

Why can’t I remember my dreams?

Woman sleeping in bed

If you’re one of those people who “doesn’t dream,” you probably just forget them. 

Pete Barrett/Getty Images

Part of this is biological, Kuras says, as neurotransmitters forming memory are less active during sleep, and dream forgetfulness also appears to be related to the level of electrical activity in the brain during dreams.

Additionally, it could have something to do with the content of your dreams, Kuras says: Early psychoanalytic theory suggested that difficult or traumatic information in dreams is suppressed, and the dreamer is less likely to retrieve or analyze it.

Dr. Meir Kryger, a sleep medicine doctor at Yale Medicine, tells CNET that most people remember their dreams when they’re awakened in the middle of a dream, or in the first few moments after a dream has ended. But the catch is that the memory only lasts for a short time. Unless you write it down or repeat it in your head over and over, there’s a good chance you’ll forget the dream. It’s likely that it’s more common to forget dreams than it is to remember them, Kryger says. 

When you wake up also matters. Research has shown that people who wake up during REM sleep report more vivid, detailed dreams, whereas people who wake up during non-REM sleep report fewer dreams, no dreams or dreams of little significance. 

What does my dream mean? 

four people walking on the clouds

Dream meanings are mostly speculation, but what matters is how your dreams relate to your own life. 

Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Images

Different cultures throughout history have ascribed meaning and importance to dreams, though there’s little scientific evidence that dreams have particular meanings attached to them, Kuras says, “No one has yet determined with exactitude what dreams or the images in dreams mean. That dreams are significant indicators of one’s subconscious mind is a basic assumption in various cultures, but in different ways.”

Kryger says that dreams are “mostly speculation in terms of specific meanings.” Among the scientific community, he continues, there are two main trains of thought: One is that every part of a dream has a specific meaning, and the other is that dreams are entirely spontaneous and mean nothing. 

The first train of thought can be attributed to Sigmund Freud, who is recognized as the first person to assign definitive meanings to dreams — like that dreaming about a king and a queen actually means you’re dreaming about your mother and father, Kryger says. 

Although dream psychoanalysis may have only begun in the last century or two, people have studied dreams for far longer: Aristotle wrote about dreams as early as 325 B.C., according to Kryger.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, a professional dream analyst, says the problem with arriving at proof across the board “is that dreams and their meanings are so very personal because they are based on the person’s individual life experiences.” 

Additionally, neuroscience tends to focus on the function of dreaming (like memory retention) rather than the “comparative analysis between the imagery in dreams and the content of the previous day, which is how I approach dream analysis,” Loewenberg says. 

That said, certain dreams do have meanings attached to them, if for no reason other than holding significance for many people. Below, Kryger, Kuras and Loewenberg discuss meanings about common dreams and symbols in dreams. 

What does it mean when you dream about water, wind and fire? 

child swimming through a bedroom filled with water and fish

Dreaming about water, wind or fire may offer some insight into your emotions.

Maarten Wouters/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Though there’s no true evidence that the elements have particular meanings (it’s mostly speculation, Kryger says), there are some associations that seem common. 

Water is thought to symbolize emotions, Loewenberg says, and different types of water can mimic different emotions. For instance, muddy water can represent sadness, tidal waves can represent overwhelm and clear water can represent emotional clarity. 

Fire most often equates to anger or distress, Loewenberg says, while wind can represent imminent changes or changes that you’re currently going through. 

“As far as these being accepted meanings, all that truly matters is what fits for the dreamer,” Loewenberg says. While many symbols have a general meaning that can fit most people and common situations, you have to account for your personal associations with symbols, she explains. 

What does it mean when you dream about death? 

Open door on floating cloud

It’s actually very common to dream about death.

PM Images/Getty Images

Kryger says it’s very common to dream about death, particularly about the death of someone close to you emotionally. It’s also common to interpret those sorts of dreams as communication from the dead, which isn’t really a surprise: “Death has such a great impact on the living that it is often incorporated into dream content,” he says. 

Loewenberg says dreaming about death can signify the end of something in real life, and that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a life. 

“To dream of your own death isn’t a premonition but rather a reflection of how you are coming to realize that life as you now know it is coming to an end,” she says, adding that it’s not unusual to dream about death during things like moving, the process of quitting smoking or making a career change. 

According to Kuras, “this all depends on what these images mean to the dreamer in the context of their life and challenges. Dream work is very much the exploration of feelings and meaning for the dreamer and is somehow related to the ‘work’ of managing life and its challenges.”

What does it mean when dreams are set at nighttime vs. daytime? 

A dark city street

Dreaming in dark settings, like this one, may indicate sadness or loneliness.

Reinier Snijders/EyeEm/Getty Images

Like the elements, there’s no actual scientific proof that darkness and light have set meanings, but many dreamers associate each with a particular feeling, Loewenberg says. For example, dreams that take place in the dark can represent uncertainty in real life — such as if you are “in the dark” about something going on and you need more information to make a decision. Darkness has also been associated with sadness or loneliness.

Dreams that take place in the daytime, on the other hand, may not mean anything for most people. But if you typically dream in dark settings and suddenly have dreams set in daytime, it could signify that an issue was resolved or that you’ve come out of a period of sadness. 

Again, dream interpretation is almost entirely speculation, and what’s important is how you relate your dreams to your own life. 

Why some dreams are common

Woman flying with umbrella

Dreaming about flying is pretty common.

Tim Robberts/Getty Images

Have you ever dreamed that you were falling and jerked awake? If you’ve ever discussed said dream with other people, there’s a good chance someone else chimed in saying, “I’ve had that dream, too!” Dreaming of falling seems to be pretty common, and it’s something called an archetype, Loewnberg says. 

An archetype, by definition, is “a very typical example of a certain person or thing” (Oxford); when applied to dreams, an archetype is something that signifies “patterns of the psyche.” 

Other common dreams, which may or may not be archetypes depending on what’s happening in your life at the time you have the dream, include: 

  • Showing up late for something important
  • Being chased by someone or something
  • Flying
  • Dreams about sexual relations that shouldn’t happen in real life (such as you or your partner engaging in relations with someone else)
  • Encountering someone who has died
  • Being lost
  • Being paralyzed or unable to speak
  • Being naked or embarrassed in front of a crowd

Loewenberg says these dreams are so common because they’re connected to common behaviors, actions, thoughts and fears. For example, many (if not most) people worry about arriving late for something important, such as a work presentation or a plane flight. Likewise, many people may worry about their partner having an affair, which can show up in dreams. 

Having dreams where you appear naked or embarrassed in front of a crowd is often related to social anxiety, Loewenberg says, or worrying about how others perceive you. 

How to interpret your dreams

Two lizards crawling over city buildings

Some dreams are straight-up weird, and it’s up to you to interpret them.

Getty Images

Since, as mentioned before, there’s no solid body of evidence about the meanings of dreams, you have to interpret your dreams in ways that make sense to you. 

“The determination of what dreams convey are particular to the person and current situation,” Kuras says, “so what the person is experiencing, what challenges they are facing, and what psychological developments are occurring will inform meaning in each case.”

Dreaming is a thinking process, Loewnberg reiterates. “Our dreams, those strange little stories we experience every night while we sleep, are actually our subconscious thoughts,” she says. “They are a continuation of our stream of consciousness from the day.” 

But during sleep, instead of talking to yourself in words, you are talking to yourself in symbols, metaphors and emotions, Loewenberg says. The change in language happens because your brain works differently during REM sleep: Notably, the prefrontal cortex, or decision-making center of your brain, is less active or inactive, while the amygdala, the emotional center of your brain, is highly active. 

That’s why dreams can be so frightening or frustrating, and feature events that shouldn’t or couldn’t happen in real life. 

“In a nutshell,” Loewenberg says, “dreams are a conversation with the self about the self, but on a much deeper, subconscious level.”

Learn more to sleep well every night